Maine Public Service Net
The Maine Public Service Net has a long history of promoting amateur radio as a hobby and public service. The net meets each Sunday morning at 0900 on 3940 or 3941 Khz and boasts an active core of check-ins. It is an NTS-affiliated net. Net Manager is Paul Gooch, KY1C
Check back here for more history and other data regarding the MPSN.
Meeting 2018
at Windsor Hamfest
A Sketchy History of the Maine Public Service Net
The Maine Public Service Net has been in operation in some form or another since the 1960’s, but not in continuous operation. Usually operating on Sunday mornings, or about 3940 kHz at 9:00 a.m. local time.
In the 60’s the net was an ARES net run by SEC Cliff, K1QIG. Emergency power was encouraged and ARES topics were discussed.
In the 1970’s, the Maine Section Net (MSN) met “Sunday’s 0900 local on 3940 kHz for emergency info, traffic and section information.” 1 The name was changed to the Maine Public Service Net in 1978. “Gerry, W1MXT, in Millinocket used to call it the Maine Public Utilities Net. In the 80’s we moved quite a bit of traffic because that was the first phone net after Saturday night’s 1RN.” 2 By 1986, the MPSN was “under the direction of [Sally,] KA8UVQ, SEC poses a topic for comment and discussion each Sunday at 1400Z on 3940 kHz. Although it is organized as a forum for ECs, all amateurs are welcomed to check in and join the discussion” 3
By the fall of 1989, “The Maine Public Service Net meets 0900 Sundays 3940 kHz. It’s now a full Section Net handling traffic, discussions, training and possibly drills. The fourth Sunday will be the Maine On-the-Air ARRL Cabinet meeting. All of you are encouraged to participate in all sessions” 4 (QST 11/89)
It appears that the MPSN has continued uninterrupted from 1978.
Partial list of Net Managers: Cliff, K1QIG; WA4UJJ; Lee, KL7IJG; Cliff, W1RWG; Sally, KA8UVQ; Skeet, KA1LPW; Al, N1MHC; George, W3HBM; and Paul, KY1C.
Many thanks to Bill, W1KX, for spending the time to research the MPSN. Anyone reading this who has any additional information to share or corrections to be made, please get in touch with me at [email protected].
1 QST Station Activities column, May, 1978
2 Rusty, KY1C: “I did that sked for several years!”
3 QST Station Activities column, January, 1987
4 QST Station Activities column, November, 1989
MPSN Net Control Stations
Mark KG1Q
Jerry K1WTX
Paul KY1C
George K1GDI
Bill W1KX